Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Day 6 of the Holiday Streak

I'm on day 6 of the Runner's World Holiday Streak, and I am really enjoying it.  I'm still logging very few miles (1-3 a day) but I am RUNNING and that's all that matters! :)  The past two nights I've wound up at the rec center, and while I'm grateful to run there, I'm also itching for a run outdoors.

I think I'm going to learn a lot while running this streak, and it's definitely reminding me of my love for running.  I am so grateful that I can run, and I'm glad that I'm gaining my momentum back.  Mark Remy wrote a really nice piece on what the streak has taught him so far, and I've also enjoyed reading the experiences of other runners via twitter.

Here's to holidays and streaking!!! :)

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