About Me

Hi! My name is Nicki, and I am a proud runner.

I officially started my running journey in November of 2009.  I had never been much of a runner in high school or college.  In fact, I can distinctly remember a time when I hated even the thought of running.  Sweaty?  Out of breath?  No, thanks!  I can also remember a time where I seriously doubted my ability to run two and a half miles.

Somewhere along the way I formed a real desire to run.  My dad is a runner, and I secretly hoped that he had passed on the running gene to me! :)  Throughout 2009 I had serious thoughts of running a half-marathon.  I began with a 30-minute walk/run program, and eventually began a 5K training program.  After the 5K, I was hooked.  I ran my first half-marathon in April 2010, and my first marathon at Walt Disney World on January 9, 2011.  My husband is also a runner, and we help encourage each other!

There are so many things that I love about running.  I love that running has helped me loose weight and stay strong and healthy.  I love that it is relatively simple -- you and the road, nothing else.  I love the runners high and the feeling you during and after a good, long run.  Through running, I have learned that I can do anything I set my mind to, and that I'm capable of more than I thought I was.  I have learned to push myself, and as a result I'll become stronger both physically and mentally.  I have learned that hard work pays off, and that things worth working towards don't always come easily.  I love the friendships I've formed through running, and the races I've been a part of.

This blog functions as mostly a training log for me, but please feel free to visit me over here on my main blog to learn more about my life.  Thanks for stopping by!!!  Run on!