Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Like Riding a Bicycle

First of all, HAPPY NATIONAL RUNNING DAY!!!  I have had fun seeing all the tweets and status updates about this running holiday.  I love seeing so many people talking about being active and staying healthy... definitely something this nation needs!

I celebrated NRD 2011 by ending my running hiatus.  I was happy to find out that running is a lot like riding a bike -- you don't forget! :)  I ran an easy three miles with Hannah and Jess, and it felt sooooo good.  When I got home I seriously wanted to get out of my car and keep going.  This is why I like taking short breaks every now and then.  It really clears my mind, gives my body time to rest, and re-instills the JOY of running for me.  I love so much about running, and I certainly don't want to ever treat it like another chore.  I want to savor every mile (although they're not always easy!).  Running makes me stronger -- physically and mentally, and that's why I run.

Miles: 3
Time: 38 minutes

Miles this Week: 3
Miles this Month: 3


  1. Yay for ending your running hiatus! And that's such a great reason to run. :)

  2. You go girl! So great to have found your wonderful blog!
