Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Here We Go

Okay, no more running interruptions!!  This is it... I am starting a new training plan that I absolutely PLAN on keeping!  Even when family comes tomorrow for a week.  Even when I go to Dallas for a week -- heads up if you're reading this Laura -- I need you to find me a COOL place to run in Texas in July. ;) Should be a piece of cake!

I am fine with the breaks I took over the last month, but I am really excited to get back into shape.  I definitely want to take my training to the next level.  Running makes me feel soooooo good, and I think this is something I slightly forgot over my break.  I love love love the feeling I get after a run.  I love when my legs are sore from a really long run.  I am entering the BEST time to run in Virginia, and I'm definitely going to take advantage of the Summer/Fall season this year for running.  No more training for marathons in the Winter. :)

Today's run was a little tough... I definitely did some walking, but when I ran I was running a 9:30 -- 10:30 pace.  I could have picked a cooler time to run, but I love that I can still get away with running at 5:30pm during the summer in Virginia.  Overall, I was very happy to have gotten out there and JUST DO IT.  Alright, I gotta go hop in the shower... date night with the hubby at Red Lobster!

Miles: 3
Time: 33 minutes, 15 seconds

Miles this Week: 3
Miles this Month: 21


  1. Way to go, my dear! Can't wait to see how your training goes... I, too, am trying some new training!

  2. Sometimes a break from running is all we need to remind us of how much we love it! Any big races on the horizon? Are you thinking about doing another marathon anytime soon? Take care and enjoy running...but stay cool - it's hot out there!!

  3. We could run in the middle of the night? It would probably still be hotter at midnight in dallas than 530 in virginia by July ;) I'll work on finding us somewhere cool
